November 28, 2019

Web Designing Concepts Inevitable For Every Designer

Web Design

It’s time to say goodbye to 2019 and welcome the year 2020. As the year is changing, there is also a remarkable shift observed in the website designing trends. Take a moment and think about all the websites you had seen in the past. Some designs would have attracted you, while some may have disappointed you. Learn from the good ones and avoid the bad ones. In today’s fast-emerging online world, it is important to make the user feel amazing. 

The designers always get confused between establishing new designs and taking inspiration from what’s trending. We know there is a thin line in framing a unique design or going with the trend. It is always a smart decision to know the trend and create something near to it. If you are looking for website designs that can make a great impact in your user’s mind, you can rely on any reputed web design companies of Sydney.

We have highlighted breathtaking designs that not only grabs attention but also facilitates websites for business branding. Let’s not waste time and have a look at these incredible designs.

Black and White Palettes

black and white palettes


Colour makes life beautiful and we all are attracted to the elements where colours are highlighted. When the colours are missing, we will have a plain world with textures and shapes. Black is bold and assertive while white is reserved and clean. This same logic can be applied to a website. The websites having a single colour creates a different mood, unique identity of the brand, and guides users with an interface by catchy visual landmarks. You will see impressive websites with these shades.  

The black-and-white theme is enough to make your website look attractive. It is not a good idea to add colours to this monochrome design. Keep it simple and crisp.

Intrinsic and Organic Shapes

Graphic Design

(Source :

We all know that web pages are typically designed for systematic grids, but now the designers are shifting towards adopting smooth lines and natural shapes. Geometric shapes like triangles, rectangles, and squares are safest; however, upcoming trends will be more about shapes which can deliver the message by maintaining the user’s comfort.

Basically, organic shapes are imperfect, which makes the page element more charming. You can also go for nature-oriented themes which include trees, sunshine, mountains, roads, and floating in the water. These designs connect with the heart of the user and thus it is hard to ignore such fresh designs.

Glitch Art

Glitch Art


Anything which is old will be trending in 2020. Glitch art is back with a bang. How? Have you experienced moments when crinkled film led to striking images? The same images will be used in website designs.

Glitches are important in modern times as striking images are also part of the drift. Even though we have a fear of computers taking the front seat, but we also cannot imagine our lives without them. Hence, it is crucial to follow footsteps of technology to build a  warped, glitchy or double-exposed web designs. 

The modern world has many shades, everything is unusual, then why our designs have to be more specific? Thus, we have the gift of glitch art which magnifies this feeling of unusualness by giving websites a mind-bending vibe.

Updating Chatbots Designs

Chatbots have been introduced long ago and today they are numbers of chatbots design that are attracting the users. As there is an ongoing advancement in AI and machine learning, chatbots are becoming more efficient and intelligent. The new chatbots will have more customisation than what is seen in the past. You will see chatbots with bright colours, enlarged themes, and a more interactive form. The day is not far when users will experience a special face for every particular chatbot. 

Video is the Future

image is the future


While reading through thousands of blogs and listening to web experts, you will come across one simple advice – Video is the future of the internet. You might have already experienced that we are living in a time, where videos are more viewed than written content or a picture. Why? Because we lack time to scan a lot of texts. Google has also made mixed search page results, featuring videos over standard web pages. Due to this, websites have also started focusing on video production to create their demand in the search results. Videos are easy to share and connect with the target audience like never before. They are the best alternative to embrace any web page.




It is one of the most classic ideas that always fits best for web designs. When there is no more content in the website, your audience will not get confused. If your website is designed with lesser words, it will create a great impact. You just have to offer content which your audiences are looking for. 

Minimalism designs are not going away soon from the picture, but innovations are definitely going to happen. Fade-in effects and animations engage more people and provide ease to outpour the entire content. Contrast, whitespace, and typography are in fashion. Avoid any distracting details to make your audience hooked to the content.


As mobile browsing has taken over desktop, you will see more thumb-friendly designs in the coming years. Considerable research work is done on how the user operates the phone, the same movements can be applied to the web designing process. With thumb mobility in the navigation of the websites, it will give great comfort to users, availing know-how of certain website or business. Many web development companies in Sydney are also working in this area.

Future Web Design Goals – Diversity Along with Human Touch

Internet is existing as billions of people are using it. So it is not always important, what technology can offer to the people, but it is vital that what people want from certain products or services. Fancy models, imaginary stuff, and high-class themes have been witnessed more often and now folks are bored with it. They want something which is relatable to them, concerning their good and which personifies their identity.

Designers must know that 2020 is more about fast accessibility, socially conscious concepts, and out of the box web designs. There are a lot of themes which are not introduced yet. There is still a lot to be served in designing platter. But one thing is for sure, the future is all about making real connections rather than just selling products or services.

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