December 9, 2021

How to Handle Shopify Marketing? Get 9+ Unique Strategies Here!


What does an online store need? CUSTOMERS! But are you putting the right efforts to gain their attention? 

Is Shopify Marketing the right choice? You might have come across the dialogue of Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,

“It is not our abilities that show what we truly are… It is our choices.”

You cannot miss great opportunities for your business which can lead to great loss!

Let us help you and provide you some Shopify Marketing Tips that will change how you approach the customers. 

What is Shopify Marketing?

This procedure involves using digital marketing and promotional strategies to engage potential users leading to a higher conversion rate. Shopify Marketing helps to promote products and services on multiple channels. This helps increase brand awareness, customer retention, sales, and customer loyalty. 

The right Shopify Marketing Strategy will maintain the relationship with your clientele and improve chances of customer retention. It would help if you had the right tools and resources to attract customers to your Shopify store. 

What are the Shopify Marketing strategies that will boost your sales?

Once you know how to set up a Shopify store, it is time to take advantage of various tools in the market. We have curated a small list of strategies that are proven to be effective in the Shopify Marketing process:

1. Rely on Automation 

As an online store, if you get the chance to automate your process through Shopify Apps or integration, it would be one of the easiest methods. This lets you avoid repetitive, manual, and tiring business tasks and focus on the important sectors to grow your business. Some things you might want to automate in the Shopify Marketing process are:

  • Cart Recovery: Engaging with the audience when they abandon your cart without a successful purchase has a higher effect on them. Use emails, SMS, reminders, or other media to connect with customers. There are many tools available in the market that helps you to send such notifications to the customers.
  • Promotions: Integrate your e-commerce store on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook to share your products effortlessly. 
  • Effective Communication: Shopify platform provides you with great tools that ensure smooth communication. You need to keep track of sales, marketing activities, projects, and customer management. 
  • Customer Engagement: The main target of Shopify Marketing Experts is to keep your visitors engaged through remarketing, retargeting, and communication. This ensures that your Shopify store provides a seamless user experience. 

2. Make your SEO Strong and Effective 

More than 60% of online shopping begins from search engines. This indicates that you need to be present at the right time and place. Most ecommerce store owners trust that SEO is only focusing on the content. But this isn’t true. 

Look at the below elements of the store to make it SEO-friendly:

  • Integrate keywords that have high search volume and less competition in the industry
  • Use long-tail keywords as they have a better purchase intent. 
  • Work on your website loading speed as it is the main reason people abandon your platform. 
  • Optimize images, videos, and other media that affect your website loading speed. 
  • Use the built-in SEO features in the Shopify store. These help improve URL structure, Meta titles, description, and image ALT text. 
  • Be informative and descriptive while writing content on your website. Add relevant keywords in the content precisely, avoid keyword stuffing. 
  • Use interlinking on the website, which helps engage visitors for a longer interval.

You might plan to hire Shopify developer for this task as they know the SEO trends and demands of the market. 

3. Introduce Referrals and Incentives 

Customers will trust in your brand more if they hear about it from a known face. So, this might be a good Shopify Marketing strategy to promote the recommendations of your services through your customers. 

You can introduce referral programs where customers get rewards or credits for a successful referral. The best part about this strategy is that it won’t cost you much. It will lead to high traffic and conversions. A few things that you must ensure in referral marketing are:

  • Understand the interests of your customers 
  • Give great experience in shopping, products, and services
  • Make the referral program easier to participate 
  • Promote the program on multiple channels to gain attention

4. Google Ads 

With the help of this tool, you get a chance to promote your platform by ranking in the top positions on the search engines. Search engines display organic results when people search for your products and services.  

Google Ads use bid pricing to decide where your website will be ranking in the search results. You have to bid more to land on the top ranks. If you have limitations in the budget, then plan accordingly to appear in the best position. 

This tool gives you the freedom to target your audience based on interest, location, and other metrics. The Google Ads will be placed on the website to get your potential customers. 

5. Automated Responses 

While running an ecommerce store, the vital part is to stay connected. There are various tools to send SMS in various situations like:

  • Welcome: When people signup for your business, you must send them a welcoming message. Since people receive mail, they have a higher open rate. Showcase your brand personality to the customers. 
  • Cart Abandonment: When customers surf through your platform, that shows their interest in your website. Sometimes they leave your store at a certain point. You need to automate these emails and send them at a specific interval of abandonment.  
  • Thank You: Even though you thank people for signing up, you should thank them when they make a successful purchase from your store. This ensures that people have you in mind regularly. 

6. Leverage Quality Content 

In the digital world, people rely on content to understand your business. This means that your content plays a huge role in Shopify Marketing. The marketing rules that will work for your Shopify platform are:

  • Know the customers better and provide them with the exact thing they are looking
  • Build your content with a customer-first approach. This ensures you meet their expectations
  • Optimize the content using the right keywords. Make it simple and knowledgeable. 
  • Add different types of content like blogs, images, videos, and more. 

7. Launch a Facebook Store

This platform is capable of leveraging many customers for your store. Facebook gives you an option to shop for products from there itself without any redirections. All you require is a Facebook shop feature integrated into your Shopify store. 

This tool will ensure to make your catalog available on Facebook, and you can effortlessly manage the inventory. The best part of Facebook is it helps to increase on-site traffic for better sales. You let more visitors know about your services and instantly make purchases by adding valuable content.

The easiest method for Shopify Marketing using Facebook shop is:

  • Install the Facebook channel 
  • Choose the Facebook Shop as the first feature to begin with the setup 
  • Connect the required assets of Facebook with your shop 
  • Choose your data sharing settings, respectively 
  • Accept the terms and conditions to collect reviews 

8. Work on Email Marketing strategies 

This refers to sending messages to current and potential customers to sell, build, and educate them about your business. With Email marketing, you get control over the content and distribution. It is one of the most cost-effective and conversion rich methods in the ecommerce industry. The best part for organizations is that they can be automated to stay connected with the customers. Let us look at the common emails you must draft:

  • Transactional Emails: These are sent when customers take the final action on your Shopify store, making a purchase or subscribing to your services. They help to deliver an important update to the customers. 
  • Promotional Emails: They are specifically designed to increase brand awareness and promotions. This might help in presenting limited offers and discounts to the users. 
  • Lifecycle Emails: These are also known as triggered emails that depend on the actions taken by customers on your Shopify store. Like the cart abandonment email is sent to the customers who leave their products without purchasing. 

9. Run Ad Campaigns 

Many store owners prefer advertising campaigns as their Shopify Marketing strategy. You can have retargeting ads, shopping ads, and Facebook ads to help customers reach your store effortlessly. You might want to run an affiliate marketing strategy. This is where you pay another business or person to generate sales and leads. 

During Shopify Marketing, you often have to pay commissions to promote organizations and services. This is one of the fastest methods to meet your target audience and generate sales. You can promote your products and services by sharing them on social media, blogs, websites, and more. The affiliate gets paid every time someone makes a successful purchase or sign up. 

10. Collect Feedback from your Customers

It is undeniable that customers perform research before making their final decision. No matter which platform you use to collect reviews, just encourage the customers to leave reviews and build trust. 

Ask for reviews from the customers directly. While satisfied customers forget to leave feedback, unsatisfied customers will always be eager to leave bad ones. You can also use the good reviews for adding CTAs to your website. To make the review section more effective, you can add a loyalty program and reward your customers for leaving reviews. 

After learning so many strategies, you must explore Why businesses prefer Shopify for ecommerce business? This might have helped you understand the amazing features and functionalities offered by the store. It helps to unleash the best part of your business. 


Shopify is something that makes it easier to start or host an ecommerce store. The above Shopify marketing strategies might bring great returns for your business. The main aim is to apply the best one and personalize them according to your business requirements. 

Still not sure about your Shopify Marketing strategy? Are you scared to make investments on the wrong strategy? We have Shopify Marketing experts who will understand your niche and give you the best solution accordingly.

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