January 22, 2020

Magento 2.3.4 Released: What You Need To Know About It.


Hello Magento Enthusiast! Are you ready with the latest version of Magento, that’s Magento 2.3.4? If not, it is the right time to get the details of its pre-release.

We have provided all the information regarding the features and functional fixes of the new version. If you want the insights of this latest version, stay hooked! 

According to the pre-release report, Magento 2.3.4 has significant security updates, platform upgrade, 220 functional fixes, PSD2 compliant core payment methods, and more than 30 security improvements.

What are the Exciting Features of Magento 2.3.4?

Let’s know what Magento 2.3.4 has to offer to all the business personnel.

Critical Enhancements for Security

30 security enhancement, including fixes of cross-site scripting (XSS) and vulnerabilities pertaining to the remote code execution.

Even though there no threats related to such issues are addressed but certain vulnerabilities can misuse the customer information access.

A key to such complexities will be introduced in the system with the evolution of Magento 2.3.4.

The option of Remote Code Execution will be removed further in the process with Deprecated and removed layout updates.

A custom text field on CMS Page Edit, Category Edit, and Product Edit pages can be turned to a selector to create a physical file. This will incorporate the updates on the layout and choose it for further usage.

The transformation of the content template features offers selected variables to get added to the template.

So now the administrator will not have definite templates like a newsletter, email, and the CMS content to combine directives and variables that can perform the role of PHP functions on objects.

Upgrades on Platform

  • Message Enhancements of queue framework
  • Enabling support for MariaDB 10.2
  • Improved session storage and page caching
  • Integration of payment method

Note: It is advisable to renew deployment to a PHP version which is supported.

Enhanced Performance

  • Expulsion of non-cached requests to the catalog pages and server to improve the cache logic.
  • Development of PHTML files for supporting bundling mechanism which can identify the problems in the JavaScript.
  • By following the below steps, the merchants can disable Magento reports both completely and partially.
  • The statistics collection of the report is by default incorporated in the system.

Management of Inventory

The inventory management would include the following things;

  • Identify the performance issue that causes higher loads on the server relating to the shopping cart.
  • Easily resolve quality-related issues such as source and stock mass actions, credit momos, and grouped products.
  • Updated inventory reservations CLI command to decrease the usage of memory when compensating and finding missing reservations on huge catalogs.

Advanced GraphQl Coverage for layered navigation and to improve the functionalities of the cart

  • A fusion of Guest Shopping carts with customer carts
  • A customer can use more than one device in the process of ordering
  • Layered navigation can utilize custom filters
  • Allowed category can be searched through name, ID, and URL key
  • The product Interface supports taxes of the product
  • The cart object can be improved by including the information about promotions and discount applications in the cart and line levels.

You can review the release notes for getting further detail of GraphQL bug fixes.

Security-Only Patch

Magento users have the facility to install the security-only patch option to enhance Magento stores by finding out the possible loopholes in the previous release.

This security-only patch fixes bugs rather than availing thousands of practical fixes and improvements.

Remember that the Security-only patch includes bug fixes pertaining fixes and not just additional security enhancements in full patch.

Additional Information on Magento 2.3.4

Even though the code of all the functionality is geared up with Magento 2.3.4 release, several projects such as inventory management, Progressive Web Applications, and Page Builder can be released separately.

Moreover, bug fixes and project-specific release of the project can be documented in a separate project.

Aside from the above enhancements and improvements, Magento 2.3.4 release which incorporates fixes the issues about core code.

We hope with the above discussion, you can get a clear idea of what features will be coming to your way through the latest version,  Magento 2.3.4.

Final Words 

It’s the best time to hire the skilled Magento Development Company with the best Magento developers from Melbourne and Sydney who can help you take your Magento Stores to heights of success.

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