March 27, 2019

Never Miss On This List Of Android Personal Assistant Apps


Virtual Personal Assistant, Automated Personal Assistant or an Intelligent Personal Assistant whatever you call, looked like Halley’s comet thought more than a decade ago.

Over the years, the definition of personal assistant changed and the physical term was replaced with the virtual. Long ago, we used to fantasize about being someone’s personal assistant and taking care of every small detail.

Things changed and now in 2019, we don’t need anyone at the beck and call. The era today seeks CCL i.e Convenience, Comfort and Luxury. The big brains in the industry are considering voice interface, artificial intelligence as the necessary tools.

The need for a dedicated assistant to schedule out the task and provide guidance at every step amid such hustle and urgency is increasing. Also, hiring one(read: downloading apps) is no more a pipe dream.

iPhone’s have Siri but, Who said there is no Siri for Android Users?

Almost 42 % of smartphones owners use artificial intelligence based personal assistant app. Here is the list of your next personal assistant for Android phones. Artificial Intelligence is highly favorable for Android app development.

Android Alexa:

It’s an echo device that answers the questions asked when you call it out by name. It is a female voice that talks to you and is available to help you. This voice assistant has the capacity to combine your complete life. With this device, you will be able to direct many smartphones features like TV’s, lights, switches and more.

Siri is complementary with iPhones but that’s not the case with Alexa. Alexa is just the voice which is integrated into many of Amazon’s devices namely Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, Echo Spot, and Amazon Fire TV.

Ordering pizza has never been so easy as it is with Alexa.


It keeps your whole digital world organized. It is designed to handle queries while saying: “Hey Cortana!” Sounds very much like Siri. It has the ability to call people, send SMS and email, track packages, manage calendar and more.
Though it performs an untidy search through the emails but can tell you when your package is to arrive.


It would be fair enough to say that Bixby tells you everything you are looking at, learns your routine and guides you for the next task. The only drawback, it is available only on Samsung’s devices. It has in trend feature that distinguishes landmarks and visuals by catching a photograph. It brings on one platform, the most relevant information. Bixby goes much beyond your expectations.

Google Assistant:

The final champion of personal assistant apps offers great convenience and accurate answers to the users. It has become one of the popular and preferred apps based on Artificial Intelligence. It can be integrated into the Home appliance like Philips Hue lights.

The app is updated constantly to release a more stable version every time with a different and new range of features.

It will process the question immediately and provide the most accurate information aloud.


Hound app claims to produce an excellent way to search using a natural voice. It can provide faster responses to your questions. It helps you do everything perfectly be it sending a text message, listening to music, making phone calls etc.

Additionally, some exceptional and unique features like a mortgage calculator, integrated Expedia for hotel bookings are also included.

It recognizes the natural voice so easily like, if you say, “Give me a list of Hotels that have free WiFi and vegetarian Food options in Berlin” And there you go with the list of hotels. Isn’t it smart and intelligent?

Some other services like Yelp, Uber are also integrated. Sad news, it is only for United States residents as of now.


Free your eyes while driving with this new Siri challenger app named Robin Voice Assistant. You can easily concentrate on driving only while driving as this assistant guides you through the road. Beta version is only released, making sure at the backend(i.e developer’s) that everything just falls at the right place.

It responds to gestures, finds parking space, sends SMS, gives traffic alerts and more. It will adapt to your frequent requirement by understanding your behavior.

Dragon Mobile Assistant:

This app will amaze artificial intelligence lovers. It has some outstanding abilities, yet is the most sophisticated personal assistant app. It works stunningly as compared to competitors like Cortana. The app well suits your personal need efficiently.

Amazing thing is, it can read aloud your Facebook, Twitter messages, upcoming meetings and more. You can even create your own voice prints.

It assists you even when the screen is off and is available only in the US play store.

Android developers are actively occupied in improving AI-based personal assistants. But the above-mentioned apps are highly celebrated and high rated. Even big giants Android App Development Company in Sydney, Melbourne have started adopting AI for their future app developments.

The list will get long for the coming years and it is difficult to choose the real winner.

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