January 31, 2023

Boost Your Shopify Store’s Scalability with These 6 eCommerce Trends


E-commerce has revolutionized the way we shop, making it easier and more convenient than ever before. With the rise of the internet and mobile technology, online shopping has become a norm for millions of people worldwide. 

To meet this growing demand, a plethora of e-commerce platforms have emerged to help businesses create and manage their online stores. In this blog, we will take a closer look at Shopify e-commerce trends suggested by Shopify experts Melbourne and how they can help your business succeed in 2023. 

So, whether you’re a small business owner looking to expand your online presence or an entrepreneur looking to start an e-commerce venture, this blog will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions. 

Hire a Shopify store developer from a reputed agency for the best outcomes for your online store. 

Why Shopify store E-commerce Platform? 

There are over 10+ eCommerce platforms that enable business owners to build a highly functional and intuitive storefront. But the Shopify platform is the goldmine for eCommerce business developers. Let’s do some facts digging –

As of 2022, Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms globally. Here are some statistics to give you an idea of its reach and usage:

  • As of 2022, there are over 1.7 million active businesses using Shopify, with over 41 million active users worldwide.
  • Shopify has been the most popular e-commerce platform in the US and Canada, with over 1 million active businesses in the US alone.
  • Shopify’s app store has over 4,000 apps available for users to customize their e-commerce stores with.
  • Shopify’s platform has processed over $200 billion in gross merchandise volume (GMV) globally.
  • According to a survey of over 1,000 Shopify merchants, the platform has an overall satisfaction rate of 96%.
  • Shopify’s mobile app has been downloaded over 50 million times on the App Store and Google Play.

Hire a Shopify web design agency Melbourne to unlock the complete potential of web development.     

6 E-commerce Trends That You Should Definitely Understand in 2023

Increased consumer consciousness

Consumers are becoming more aware of the impact of their purchasing decisions on the environment and society, and are looking for ways to make more sustainable and ethical choices. 

This has led to a rise in demand for products that are environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and ethically sourced.

With the rise of social media, consumers are becoming more educated about the environmental and social impact of products and many are using this information to make more conscious decisions when they buy. 

With Shopify experts Melbourne, you can use the correct set of tools to understand the expectations of your customers and develop content accordingly. 

Personalized shopping experience

A personalized shopping experience is a tailored shopping experience that is customized to the individual customer. 

  • With the rise of digital channels, consumers have become accustomed to receiving personalized, relevant content and offers. They expect retailers to understand their needs and preferences and offer them personalized shopping experiences that cater to their individual needs.


  • Increased competition in the e-commerce industry is also driving the demand for personalized shopping. With so many retailers vying for customers’ attention, you need to find ways to differentiate your business and stand out from the competition. Personalized shopping experiences can be a powerful tool for building customer loyalty and driving sales.

Create a truly immersive and mesmerizing personalized shopping experience with your customers with Shopify experts Melbourne. 

Price-sensitive purchase and reduction in impulsive shopping

Several factors have contributed to this shopping trend in 2023

  • Increased access to information: The rise of digital channels has made it easier to compare prices and find the best deals, which has led to an increase in price-sensitive behavior.


  • Economic factors: The current economic situation (upcoming recession, global economic crisis, Russian-Ukraine war) has also contributed to the trend of consumers being more price-sensitive and cautious with their spending.


  • The influence of social media: Consumers widely use Platforms like Instagram and TikTok not just for product discovery and inspiration, but also to compare prices and find the best deals.

Hire Shopify developer to understand the purchase behavior of your target audience. 

Hybrid omnichannel presence

Consumers prefer hybrid omnichannel present e-commerce retailers because it offers them more convenience and flexibility in their shopping experience.


  • Convenience: Multiple touchpoints, such as online marketplaces, social media, and their own website, allows customers to shop on their own terms and in the way that is most convenient for them.


  • Flexibility: Omnichannel retailers also provide customers with the option to purchase online and pick up in-store or to return items in-store, which is convenient for customers who prefer to see or try on products in person before making a purchase.

Social media commerce

Social media commerce, also known as “social commerce,” refers to the use of social media platforms for buying and selling products. 


  • Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and TikTok have introduced features that allow retailers to sell products directly on their platforms, without the need for customers to leave and visit the retailer’s website.


  • This can help retailers increase their sales by reaching new customers and making it easier for customers to purchase products.

An experienced Shopify web design agency Melbourne can help you unlock the true potential of social commerce. 

Voice commerce

Voice-enabled devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home are becoming increasingly popular, and retailers can leverage this trend by making sure their products are listed on voice-enabled shopping platforms and optimizing their product listings for voice search.

How Shopify Can Help You Leverage These E-commerce Trends?

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that offers a variety of tools and features to help merchants leverage the most advanced trends in the commerce market. 

CRM and Customer Analytics

  • Shopify analytics and reporting: The platform provides detailed information on sales, traffic, and customer behaviour, allowing merchants to track and analyze key metrics such as total revenue, average order value, and conversion rates. This data can be used to identify patterns in customer behavior and make informed decisions about marketing, product development, and inventory management. When you hire Shopify developer you can leverage the most optimal data for your business. 


  • Shopify customer relationship management system: That allows merchants to track customer interactions and gather information about their preferences and purchase history. This data can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns and personalized customer experiences.


  • Shopify customer segmentation: Enables merchants to segment their customer base based on demographics, purchase history, and browsing behavior. This allows merchants to create targeted marketing campaigns and personalized experiences for different segments of their customer base. 


  • Shopify third-party analytics and marketing integrations: Integrations with Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and Mailchimp can provide additional insights into customer behavior and buying patterns.

Shopify Personalization Features

  • Personalized Product Recommendations: Shopify’s built-in product recommendation engine uses machine learning algorithms to recommend products to customers based on their browsing history, purchase history, and search history. This can help increase conversions and average order value. With the right web design agency Melbourne, you can create a personalized experience for your customers. 


  • Customizable Themes: Shopify offers a wide range of customizable themes that can be used to create a unique and personalized look and feel for a website. This can help increase brand recognition and customer loyalty.


  • Customer Profiles: Shopify allows merchants to create detailed customer profiles that can track customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history. This data can create targeted promotions and offers, as well as personalized product recommendations.


  • Email Marketing: Shopify allows merchants to easily create and send personalized email campaigns to target customers. These campaigns can include targeted promotions and product recommendations, as well as personalized content based on customer behavior and preferences.


  • App Store: Shopify has an App Store that contains thousands of apps that can be used to extend the functionality of the platform. Many of these apps are designed to help merchants create personalized shopping experiences, such as by adding personalized product recommendations, personalized chatbots, and personalized communication.


  • Customizable Checkout: Shopify’s checkout process is customizable, which means merchants can add, remove or edit fields in checkout forms so that the checkout process is tailored to the merchant’s specific needs and preferences.

Shopify Hybrid Omnichannel Tools

With the right Shopify experts Melbourne, you can develop a hybrid omnichannel presence for your online business. 

  • Multi-Channel Sales: Shopify allows retailers to sell their products on various channels, including the Shopify website, online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay, and social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.


  • In-Store POS: Shopify’s in-store point-of-sale (POS) system allows retailers to track sales and inventory in real-time, so they can fulfil online orders in-store and offer to buy online, pick up in-store (BOPIS) options to customers.


  • Shopify store Pay: This feature allows customers to save their payment and shipping information and make a faster and more convenient checkout experience.


  • Shopify store shipping: Shopify provides shipping rates from different carriers and also retailers can create shipping profiles based on their business needs. This allows retailers to offer customers more shipping options, which can be especially important for international customers.

Shopify store Social Commerce

  • Instagram Shopping: Shopify allows retailers to connect their product catalogs to their Instagram accounts so that they can tag products in their posts and stories. When a customer taps on a product tag, they are taken to a product detail page where they can view more information and purchase the product. 


  • Facebook Shop: Shopify allows retailers to create a “Shop” section on their Facebook page, where customers can browse and purchase products. This can be done by using the Facebook sales channel, which is available on the Shopify app store.


  • Pinterest Buyable Pins: Shopify allows retailers to create “buyable pins” on Pinterest, which can be done by using the Pinterest sales channel, which is available on the Shopify app store.


  • TikTok Shopping: Shopify allows retailers to create shoppable links for TikTok, which can be done by using the TikTok sales channel, which is available on the Shopify app store.

Shopify store Voice Optimisation

  • Shopify’s built-in voice search feature: Shopify allows retailers to enable a built-in voice search feature on their store, which allows customers to search for products using their voice. You can activate this feature from the theme settings, and it uses natural language processing to understand customer queries and display relevant search results.


  • Shopify’s voice-enabled apps: There are a variety of apps available in the Shopify app store that allow retailers to integrate their store with voice-enabled devices such as Amazon Echo and Google Home. These apps allow customers to search for products, add items to their cart, and make purchases using voice commands.


  • Shopify’s voice-enabled plugins: Shopify allows retailers to integrate their stores with third-party voice assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri. This can be done by using plugins and apps that can be easily added to the store, which enables customers to access the store through their voice-enabled devices.

Wrapping Up

Shopify store has proven to be a reliable and user-friendly platform for businesses of all sizes. 

From its ease of use to its wide range of features, it’s clear why it’s a popular choice among e-commerce entrepreneurs. In the coming year, we can expect to see a continued rise in mobile optimization, personalized shopping experiences, and the integration of new technologies such as augmented reality and artificial intelligence. 

As the e-commerce market continues to grow, Shopify subscription app will likely remain at the forefront, providing the tools and resources that businesses need to succeed online. If you’re looking to start an online store, consider Shopify store Experts Melbourne as your go-to solution for all your e-commerce needs.

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