October 30, 2019

Embrace the User-Experience Web Designing Trends

Web Design

It is that time of the year when you would soon be changing the calendars of 2019 to 2020. Since you would be making new resolutions to change your habit for better, don’t you think, the ideology is applicable to every nook and corner of the industry too?

This time, let’s have a closer look at the designing trends which will take a paradigm shift from 2019 and step into 2020. We all have witnessed the change in internet renaissance and how breakthrough technologies have transformed the web designing world.  

UX design in 2019 blends perfectly the aesthetics, and technology necessary for a successful website. However, we assume 2020 shall give a more meaningful, valuable, and practical way of website interaction with humans. The trends mentioned here are influenced by the way the user connects emotionally while interacting with your website. The trends are reformed on the basis of how the end-user will work with your product and how will it benefit them. 

Here is the blog that discusses how the trends pendulum will shift in 2020 and how few trends have been isolated from the list. Keep reading further about the user experience trends that you can not afford to ignore… 

Trend 1 Privacy and Data Protection first:

Vulnerable websites will no longer be entertained by users. While people are going Ga-Ga about internet shopping and surfing, a lot of personal data is collected in the umbrella. But, with the advancement in technology, people demand a protected website that ensures their data security. 

Additionally, the EU initiative General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has changed the game for the website developers. It allows collecting only relevant information from the user and also enhances the privacy feature. The users have got better control over their privacy and they now have the ownership to share the information which they want. Few of the changing trends are as mentioned below:

  • A minimal amount of data shall be collected by simplifying the opt-in forms;
  • Privacy features shall be incorporated into the websites right from the development stage. There will be no more pre-selected boxes where the user has to rethink for sharing the personal data;
  • Privacy hubs shall be easily accessible to the end-users so that they can change their privacy settings anytime they want;
  •  Privacy terms to be described in plain English instead of legalese. 

Trends 2 Encouraging less screen time:

For years, the key metric of having a website is engagement. Trust us, we became so good at engagement that we almost kidnapped the customers’ attention. But recently, a backlash is seen in terms of customer’s engagement. This is for the reason that the screen time affects the brain as much as cocaine. 

Enough evidence has been collected to prove how cyber addiction harms the body as well as mind. It was quite surprising to know that 33% of divorced couples blamed Facebook as their prime reason for the split. Even the news about the gamers death who played binge-games for several consecutive days spreads in the rage. A lot of questions were raised and many companies got pushback in the customers’ behaviour.

People are realising the effect of screen viewing on sleeping habits, emotional development, and brain restructuring. Society is spreading awareness regarding a healthy relationship with technology. 

In 2018, Big Giant Apple took the initiative and introduced a new feature that reduces interruptions and breaks down the user’s time over the phone. User can switch to grayscale mode while operating the mobile at night. 

Another example on the list is Google “snooze email” feature. It allows users to snooze emails for later. Bumble also facilitates users to pause the dating activity for a digital detoxification. Instagram too, notifies the user who scrolls to find endless feeds saying, “are all caught up”.

These small changes are effective and a powerful remedy for screen addiction. Audiences have realised that there is no better user experience than having peace of mind. 

Trend 3 Adding more “Emotion” to the websites:

Businesses need to shift their focus from being “business-centric” to being “user-centric”. Since there are hundreds of thousands of competitors in the market, how will you differentiate your brand from the others and make a difference? A business should concentrate on building a healthy business endeavour with the customers.

So, instead of creating an illusion of an optimistic future, they should project something real which touches the customers. They should feel connected with the brand. This element was highly overlooked by the designers of website design company Sydney but recently, customers only welcome products and services with whom they connect emotionally. 

You would have observed how people became crazy about emojis and the chatbots. These elements connected & looked more conversational and made the website more human. A strong and powerful design with vibrant colours has a great impact on decision making and customer retention. A layer of emotional appeal facilitates a more reliable website development. 

Trend 4 Incorporate Augmented Reality:

Think of the reasons why you love video games? We guess probably because it drives you into the virtual world that looks real. Right? Which technology is it? Augmented Reality (AR) is fascinating the users by opening up endless possibilities for experiencing the virtual world. AR allows building a new bridge of customer’s interaction with the website. Here are a few examples of how AR is ready to step in the future. 

  • AR facilitates users to try clothes (virtually) and decide which clothes look better on them. A famous furniture brand store IKEA lets people see how their prospective furniture will look in their interior space before making the final purchase.
  • Google eradicated the language barrier by translating foreign text automatically into the preferred language when it is pointed at using the smartphone’s camera. 
  • AR turned out to be an exceptionally valuable teaching tool. Brands like BMW and Hyundai developed AR-based manuals allowing car owners to know how to carry out car maintenance. 

Trend 5 Enhancing Device Synchronisation:

Device data synchronisation is the next thing in demand. Users are looking out for websites which provide uninterrupted interaction over the website. Additionally, their access is not limited to just a single platform, instead, they browse the website over smartphones, laptops, or smartwatches. Hence, it will become imperative for web designers to design a website with the capacity of device synchronisation. 

A famous example of a data device synchronisation is the Uber app. A customer is able to start a journey using a laptop, carry the bookings forward using voice commands, and complete the trip on their phone or watch. 

Trend 6 Making Everyone Responsible for Designing:

Erstwhile, designing was completely a new term to the digital umbrella but today, you will find people striving hard to become one. Designers have evolved their craftsmanship over the years and are reshaping the websites. However, the incentives of engagement were so much that designers forgot their real role and jumped into the competition. This philosophy degraded website quality. 

It is high time to fragment the “UX designer” role into various other roles like researchers, engineers, content creators, UI designers, etc.  A designer is here to enrich the customer’s interaction with the website and trust us, no automated technology can build up the emotional connect as much as an experienced UX designer. Also, a person having relevant experience in the field should be given a senior position with fancy job roles. A newbie may not be able to fix up the roles and the responsibilities lying overhead the fancy job role. 

Are You Prepared for the Year 2020?

To compile in short, the year 2020 will be all about thinking from the user’s point of view and understand their genuine needs from the website. You may like to incorporate new technologies to give a more meaningful, calm and sustainable meaning but you should not think of compromising with the customer’s rights and privacy. It is the right time to embrace the trends and create websites that will bring admiration and magic both. Website development company Sydney needs to focus more on the flat designs with minimalism, bright colours, realistic 2D illustrations, and crisp edges. All the very best!

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