June 30, 2017

EVANS – Know All About WordPress’ Newly Arrived(4.8) Update


Currently, there is a new release of WordPress named EVANS, version 4.8. Every WordPress developer should know about this.

Why it is named “EVANS”?

WordPress new version has been released with the named “EVANS” in the honor of pianist and composer William John Bill Evans. This version is downloadable from WordPress official site.

New feature of WordPress add more ways for us to express yourself and represent our brand/business.

On seeing updates, you will feel that those changes are minor, but those updates are build by hundred of contributors with everyone in mind.

List of  Updates:
– Link Improvements
– Images Widget
– Audio Widgets
– Video Widgets
– Text widget with Visual Editing
– Nearby WordPress Events

Link Improvements:
We sometimes unable to edit the link correctly when we update a link or text around the link. When you edit the text after the link, your new text also ends up linked and thus  text ends up outside of it. This can be frustrating!

With link boundaries, a great new feature, the process is streamlined and your links will work well. You’ll be happier. WordPress promise for the same.

Image Widget:
Initially to add image to widget we need to format HTML and we need to customize HTML to meet our need. Now adding an image to a widget is now a simple task that is achievable for any WordPress user without needing to know code. Simply insert your image right within the widget settings. Try adding something like a headshot or a photo of yours — and see it appear automatically.

Image Widget
Audio Widget:
To add audio sometime be like tricky part for fresher. We are not getting on how to add video even using HTML. This widget will overcome all the  causes and it become easier by just uploading the audio to media library and selecting the file in audio widget. Rest will be done by WordPress Audio Widget and you are ready to listen.

Audio Widget

Video Widget:
How we insert video before? We get iframe from youtube? Use video HTML  tag?
Just get rid of  everything now with the Video Widget of WordPress.A welcome video is a great way to humanize the branding of your website. You can now add any video from the Media Library to a sidebar on your site with the new Video widget. Use this to showcase a welcome video to introduce visitors to your site or promote your latest and greatest content.
Please find screenshot:

Video Widget

WordPress suggest to use the third party URL like youtube URL or any supported URL, instead of uploading video to the library and assigning to the widget as it will slow down the site speed due to loading process.

Video Widget1
Text widget with Visual Editing:
Before it was simple textarea and we need to do css stuff to make widget formatable. After the arrival of this widget we are free from external css and even HTML structure. This feature deserves a parade down the center of town! Rich-text editing capabilities are now native for Text widgets. Add a widget anywhere and format away. Create lists, add emphasis, and quickly and easily insert links. Have fun with your newfound formatting powers, and watch what you can accomplish in a short amount of time.

Text widget with Visual Editing

Nearby WordPress Events
Did you know that WordPress has a thriving offline community with groups meeting regularly in more than 400 cities around the world? WordPress now draws your attention to the events that help you continue improving your WordPress skills, meet friends, and, of course, publish!

This is quickly becoming one of our favorite features. While you are in the dashboard, all upcoming WordCamps and official WordPress Meetups — local to you — will be displayed.

Nearby WordPress Events

Being part of the community can help you improve your WordPress skills and network with people you wouldn’t otherwise meet. Now you can easily find your local events just by logging in to your dashboard and looking at the new Events and News dashboard widget.

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