July 9, 2021

Google Core Updates 2021: All the Info on Google’s Summer Updates

Digital Marketing, SEO

The SEO service in Australia is keeping a wide eye on what Google will bring into the market. There are tremendous concerns in the market that needs attention. You might have listened to the talks on various social media platforms about the Google Core Algorithm Update.

It is essential to remember that these updates affect your user experience and increase the Google search engine competition. Google’s broad core algorithm updates are not localized to a single website, location, or niche.

Have you seen a dropping in your website rankings? This might be the recent changes in the search engines. The July update was expected to be launched with the June update. As of now, few modules needed more perfection, and they rolled them in July. The update might seem massive, which can be big or small for websites.

The Summer of Google Core Algorithm Update

The June 2021 core update was announced recently, and it has announced the new one in July 2021. This means you can expect that there is a Page Experience Update which was introduced in mid-June. Some meaningful glance at these updates are:

  • June Core Update: We can see The effects of this core algorithm update on the Google Search Engine Result Pages.
  • July Core Update: This is the second section of the June update. It does not have details, but there can be some significant shifts.
  • Page Experience Update: Various factors helps to improve user experience. This is related to the Core Web Vitals.

Why Focus on Getting Feedback from the Actual Audience?

We will cover some sections of your online platform that will be tested when you ask for feedback:

1. Balance

While dealing with digital marketing, it becomes vital to maintain a balance. There are exceptional cases in the content related to the YMYL (Your Money or Your Life). Such articles have a significant impact on the visitors’ health, safety, and finances. When you plan on dealing with this type of content, ensure to balance the positive and negative facts.

2. Triggers

Certain words on your keywords can be a trigger for the readers. It will be best to avoid using words that can affect the readers and immediately red flag your website. This can also cause a major setback for your business. Search Engines can easily proscribe you from their platform for such triggers.

3. User Experience Barriers

An experienced SEO company in Australia will have noticed errors during the development phase or even after the website is live in the market. These errors can leave a negative impact on the visitors as it hinders with the user-experience.

4. Credibility

It is important to stay transparent in the market about your background, team, and work. People have loved to see those credentials on your platform. So, ensure to add helpful information that will help to build the credibility of your company.

5. Brand Recognition

It is vital to spread the word about your brand. Using the right strategies during digital marketing can help visitors to know that they have heard about you. Many people find it difficult to trust brands they haven’t heard. So focus on branding using various channels and methods.

6. Website Design

When looking for solutions on the Google search engine, there are millions of links available. Even after getting a click, ensure to engage users for a longer interval. The core update algorithm will prefer websites with fascinating content, whether link structure, blog content or meta description. Structured content with the correct information has a higher chance of being displayed as a featured snippet.

7. Quality Content

According to the online audience, when they look for some solutions, they find it rare to get unique content. There are chances that people have come across the content at multiple places across the web. You can handle this by providing original content, perspectives, and ideas.

8. Advertising

This is the proper method to improve conversion rates if done in the right way. An aggressive advertising situation can also cause a negative impression and increase bounce rates. If you have a higher bounce rate, it can affect your rankings on the search engines. So keep your advertisements subtle and straightforward for the visitors.  

9. Social Proof

Digital Marketing can help you build a solid online presence and indulge on various platforms with your audience. Display social proof to gain trust and show that you deliver the best solution in the market. This can be done by using social listening tools that help you know if people are talking about your business.

You might have heard in Black Panther: ‘How many times do I have to teach you: Just because something works, does not mean it cannot be improved.’ The Google core update algorithm is making space for improvements to engage users and gain traffic.

Have you Seen a Drop in your Website Traffic? What can you do Now?

We advise you not to make any drastic changes that can affect your rankings or reputation. SEO service in Australia will help you understand the differences and what you can do to handle them in the digital world:

  • Review the page experience metrics. Google has been sending warnings about the page experience update for a while. So it is worth investing in the metrics that help you know the positive and negative sides of the website.
  • Identify the web pages that are not gaining much attention in the market or traffic. Please review the content on the pages and compare them with the top-ranking web pages.
  • Pay attention to the Google Search Console Dashboard that helps to know the website performance and notice the key factors.
  • Your website content must match Google’s E-A-T (Expertise-Authority-Trust). This will help to achieve higher ranks on the SERPs.

Is that all?

Well, we are never sure about what is coming in the future. As an SEO service in Australia, we might have the best resources to fight all the Google core update algorithms. Also, your website can be immune to the summer core updates if you have consistency and unique content to deliver.

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