December 12, 2022

How to integrate Magento 2 Show Price For Out Of Stock Products extension


Do you have out-of-stock products in your Magento store? When you invest in an e-commerce store, it is important to understand all the features and functionalities to know how your out-of-stock products will be displayed to customers. 

Most businesses dealing with Magento development Sydney fail to meet the right targets by missing the important elements of the company. 

Why integrate out-of-stock products in your Magento store?

The modules enable customers to subscribe to the required products and notify them when they are back in stock. It will enhance the customer experience in the store and turn a negative impression into a positive one. 

There are different types of stock management tools:

  • Basic Inventory Management: It handles inventory history, restocking, and information. This is responsible for fulfilling the basic requirements of the business. 
  • Multichannel Inventory Management: It is complicated and can be integrated into the sales channels under one roof to monitor the inventory. They will help to sync the list with online sales and channels.  

This also helps business owners analyze the best-selling product based on customer demands and helps increase revenue. With great services, it will help to build a strong relationship with the customers. 

What are the unique techniques of stock management?

The Magento store will help to deliver products and services timely, with the help of effective inventory management. It is a long-term process, and various techniques can be used, including:


This is a widely used technique in which the product is stocked or delivered only when the customer orders. The volume of the inventory should always be close to the demands placed. This strategy helps the business handle the products that customers will order shortly.

There is much available space in the warehouse, and with the right tool, it can be lowered. The business will save on additional costs associated with inventory processing and storage requirements. 

Just-In-Time will give you detailed insights about the customers’ buying behavior to help in lining up the product delivery and fulfilling the orders on time. 

Par Levels

It will maintain the minimum quantity of products for the business. Most of the products will be available to cover up the delays and issues and ensure a smooth delivery pipeline. The par levels will help to serve the customers and set product categories based on the time taken to refill the stock. 

Demand Forecasting 

It is an important business process that is crucial to maintaining accuracy in the inventory. The data accuracy process helps build long-term forecasting that helps handle upcoming inventory changes. Inventory information should be able to manage market fluctuations and understand buyer preferences. It will help to avoid issues with the stocks. 

Drop shipping

It is a well-known e-commerce model that does not require a warehouse or dedicated inventory. The process allows the products to be shipped directly from the manufacturer to the customers. This ensures that the business does not need a budget for inventory. Clear communication is an important element as a third party handles the delivery and ensures timely delivery of the products. 

First In, First Out

This is a process of stock management in which the orders at the top will be fulfilled first. It is mostly used in the food industry, where products have a certain expiration date. This will ensure that the products are not stocked for a longer time in the warehouse. 

ABC Analysis

In this strategy, products will be divided into predefined factors. It is a selective inventory control that will be used by businesses like:

  • Category A: Products will have a high value and low quantity 
  • Category B: Products will have moderate value and quantity 
  • Category C: Products will have low value and high quantity

The product categories are changed as per the circumstances in the business. This method depends on the accuracy of the data in your e-commerce store. 

What is the process for integrating Out-of-Stock products in Magento 2 store?

Simple Products 

  1. Build a new module, Vendor/Module/etc/frontend/di.xml and work on the below code:

<?xml version=”1.0″?> 

<config xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd”>   

<preference for=”Magento\Catalog\Pricing\Render\FinalPriceBox” type=”Vendor\Module\Pricing\Render\FinalPriceBox” /> 


2. Then, create a new PHP file, name it Vendor/Module/Pricing/Render/FinalPriceBox.php and add the following code:

namespace Vendor\Module\Pricing\Render; 




Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render\PriceBox as BasePriceBox; 

class FinalPriceBox extends 



protected function _toHtml()    


$result = parent::_toHtml();        

if(!$result) {            

$result = BasePriceBox::_toHtml();            

try {               

/** @var MsrpPrice $msrpPriceType */                

$msrpPriceType = $this-




(\InvalidArgumentException $e) {                



return $this-



             //Renders MSRP in case it is enabled            

$product = $this-


if ($msrpPriceType-

>canApplyMsrp($product) && 


>isMinimalPriceLessMsrp($product)) {               

 /** @var BasePriceBox $msrpBlock */                

$msrpBlock = $this-






=> $result,                        

‘zone’ => $this->getZone(),                    



$result = $msrpBlock-



return $this-



return $result;    


3. This is all. You need to check the change in the front-end 

Configurable Products

  1. Redirect to di.xml, and add the following code:


for=”Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Pricing\Render\FinalPriceBox” type=”<Vendor>\



2. Redirect to \\Pricing\Render\FinalPriceBox.php, and work on the following code:

namespace <Vendor>\



Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render\PriceBox as BasePriceBox; 

class FinalPriceBox extends 



protected function _toHtml()   


$result = 


//Renders MSRP in case it is 


if ($this-

>isMsrpPriceApplicable()) {            

/** @var BasePriceBox $msrpBlock */            

$msrpBlock = $this-






‘real_price_html’ => 


‘zone’ => $this->getZone(),                



$result = $msrpBlock-



return $this-



3. For the Out-Of-Stock sub-products in the di.xml, add the following code:

<type name=”Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\ResourceModel\Product\LinkedProductSelectBuilder”>



name=”baseSelectProcessor” xsi:type=”object”><Vendor>\




4. Remove the selected stock 

namespace <Vendor>\




class StockStatusBaseSelectProcessor 

extends \Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\ResourceModel\Product\StockStatusBaseSelectProcessor


public function process(Select $select)    


return $select;    


What are the benefits of Magento stock management?

Inventory management helps to understand the stock levels across all the locations. Hire Magento developer to provide great management solutions and streamline all processes. This is vital to process orders efficiently and quickly, saving time and money. 

Some benefits of handling Magento stock management are:

1. Track all the orders on different sales channels

When you run a Magento 2 store, it is important to monitor the sales from all the channels. The business will have great challenges if it generates sales through online or offline channels. The out-of-stock management extension will help track the products with minimal effort. 

2. Accuracy in stock 

Unreliable inventory information on the product display web pages causes a poor customer experience. This can lead to frustrating customers and losing potential leads for the business. With the help of Magento 2 Extensions, this problem is prevented and provides a smooth inventory management system and information about the issues.

3.  Get time to restock 

It is important to be precise while managing the stocks, as the wrong information will lead to an inventory surplus or deficit. With Magento, you will have limited information on suppliers, delivery locations, the status of purchases, and more. This can lead to missing out on certain details and affect communication between suppliers, customers, and owners. 

With the help of Magento 2 plugins, all the processes will be streamlined according to market demand. They will help to keep track of all the materials and aim for better conversions. 

4. Meet Future Demands

Once you have excess inventory, it might cost you higher storage fees. The amount that utilizes the physical space for the items often determines the investment. So, maintaining the inventory and providing the appropriate level ensures you save money on storage costs and provide a smooth customer experience. 

5. Increase Profitability 

With the help of a professional website design company in Sydney, it will be easier to showcase the pricing of out-of-stock products and enable subscribers to get notified when the product is back in stock. Magento brings a plethora of opportunities to boost profits by increasing customer retention. The stock management strategies will reduce overhead costs and make better decisions for the business. 

6. Supply Chain Operations 

There are unexpected challenges that will affect the supply chain for the business. An expert will help integrate the best solutions into the marketplaces and sales channels. With the help of accurate information, it provides real-time visibility and ensures less wastage of costs. 

6. Highly Consistent 

The right strategies to manage stock for better performance. Business owners will have all the information they need about the products, customers, transactions, and more to make better decisions. Maintaining consistency and clarity in running an e-commerce business smoothly will be easier. 

The Final Note

When the competition is high, it is important to handle store performance to retain customers. With the best Magento development in Sydney, you will have the combination of better operational efficiency, data accuracy, maintaining inventory levels, productivity, and real-time inventory tracking. 

Once you integrate the Magento 2 show price for out-of-stock product extensions and similar products in your store, it will increase efficiency automatically. The platform is an all-in-one solution to scale the business and generate better conversions.

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