October 6, 2021

Magento Versions – The Journey of E-commerce Business for Decades


Magento is a PHP platform that helps developers to build e-commerce websites. Developers need to stay updated with each Magento version to provide better services to the users. The first beta version of Magento was introduced in August 2007, which helped in e-commerce platform development. Did you know there are currently over 270,000 merchants that are using Magento to run their business? 

In this post, we will share with you the significant transformations with each Magento version. The reasons to stay updated with each upgrade in the Magento platform. The technical background for the platform is:

  • It is build using PHP language and MySQL database 
  • The database is based on the EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) model 
  • Build using a modular architecture 

The Journey with Magento Versions

1. Magento CE 1.x

  • Magento CE 1.0 – Beta

This was the first beta version of Magento available publically. This was launched on August 31, 2007.

  • Magento CE 1.0 

This Magento version was launched on June 24, 2008. It dealt with the custom product options, API, and virtual products. 

  • Magento CE 1.1 

It is the first stable Magento version for the community edition. It came into the market in 2008 and had public access to downloads. 

  • Magento CE 1.2 

It was introduced on December 29, 2008. This brought support for layered navigation, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), and downloadable products. 

  • Magento CE 1.3 

Being launched on March 20, 2009, it introduced catalogs. This helped in promoting your products and adding price rules in your store. 

  • Magento CE 1.4

There were updates in the customization of appearance. Introduction of the WYSIWYG editor and widgets on February 12, 2010. 

  • Magento CE 1.5 

During this Magento version, on February 12, 2020, they introduced Magento mobile support for iPad and Android. 

  • Magento CE 1.6

On August 9, 2011, This launch allowed Magento developers to handle parallel running e-commerce stores with multiple database support. 

2. Magento 2.0.x 

On November 30, 2011, the development process of a new and transformed version of Magento began. 

  • Magento CE 1.7

This Magento version introduces the mobile theme, customer group prices, and auto-generation of coupon codes. This came into action on April 24, 2012. 

  • Magento CE 1.8  

On December 11, 2013, Magento development took advantage of enhanced tax calculations and Redis cache in the core. 

  • Magento CE 1.9.x 

From 2014 to 2015, Magento went through several improvements, including responsive themes, email, and infinite themes. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.0 

Since November 19, 2015, the transformation of the Magento platform began to take a hike. With a flexible architecture, it supported innovations and less time to the markets. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.1 

This brought some important functional updates like official support to PHP 7.0.2. This came into the market on January 20, 2016. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.2 

On January 29, 2016, this Magento version managed issues to upgrade from Magento 2.0.0 to Magento 2.0.1.

  • Magento CE 2.0.3 

This was introduced on March 31, 2016. This version is replaced the very next day with the Magento 2.0.4. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.4 

On April 1, 2016, this Magento version came into action. This provided all security enhancements and performance improvements to the Magento 2.0.3 package. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.5 

This came in the market on April 28, 2016, with some miscellaneous fixes for the e-commerce store. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.6 

On May 17, 2016, this version of Magento had several security patches, functional enhancements, and fixes. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.7 

This has the functional fix for the payment gateway on May 24, 2016. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.8 

This just came on July 19, 2016, with several functional fixes. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.9 

On August 11, 2016, this version also came up with several functional fixes. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.10 

In October 2016, this Magento version had multiple functional, security, and sales API enhancements. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.11 

There were over 70 bug fixes and enhancements in December 2016 with this Magento version.

  • Magento CE 2.0.12

This Magento version in February 2017 handles more than 20 functional enhancements and fixes. Also, one security enhancement. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.13

This version was introduced on April 17, 2017, with several functional fixes. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.14

Magento version was available on May 31, 2017, with some critical enhancements in the security. 

  • Magento CE 2.0.15 

On June 21, 2017, this Magento version supported changing PayPal’s IPN (Instant Payment Notification) service. 

3. Magento CE 2.1.x

  • Magento CE 2.1.0 

On June 23, 2016, Magento brought functional enhancements and fixes to the e-commerce market.

  • Magento CE 2.1.1

This Magento version came on August 30, 2016, with several functional enhancements and fixes in deploying static assets. 

  • Magento CE 2.1.2

This release dealt with several functional fixes and security enhancements. 

  • Magento CE 2.1.3

This version of Magento includes functional fixes and enhancements on December 14, 2016.

  • Magento CE 2.1.4

On February 7, 2016, it introduced various functional enhancements and fixes

  • Magento CE 2.1.5

This was released on February 21, 2017, with several functional fixes. 

  • Magento CE 2.1.6 

This had some performance enhancements for the operations that deal with the image resizing and category pages. The Magento version was introduced on April 28, 2017. 

  • Magento CE 2.1.7

Released on May 31, 2017, it has some critical enhancements related to the security 

4. Magento 2.2.x

  • Magento CE 2.2.0 – RC 

On August 4, 2017, the Magento Community Edition 2.2.0 was released with some new features and bug fixes. 

  • Magento Open Source 2.1.8

This Magento Open Source (formerly Community Edition) was introduced on August 9, 2017. It includes enhancements to the Magento platform. 

  • Magento Open Source 2.1.9

Released on September 14, 2017, it included some security enhancements and fixes in the Magento software. 

  • Magento Open Source 2.2.0 

 On September 26, 2017, this Magento version came with exciting features and a wide range of enhancements and fixes.

  • Magento Open Source 2.2.1

The Magento Open Source (formerly Community Edition) came on the market on November 7, 2017, with some functional enhancements and fixes. 

  • Magento Open Source 2.2.2

On December 12, 2017, it brought new tools, functional enhancements, and fixes. This Magento version also had a vast number of contributions in the Magento community. 

  • Magento Open Source 2.2.3

This Magento version came into action on February 27, 2018, with some improvements in product security. They also brought in ACL control for the cache management through the admin. 

  •  Magento Open Source 2.2.4

This Magento version came on May 2, 2018, with new tools and functional enhancements. 

  • Magento Open Source 2.2.5

This was brought to the market on July 1, 2018, with some improvements in product security and bug fixes. 

  • Magento Open Source 2.2.6 

On September 18, 2018, this Magento version had some critical enhancements in the product security and core code fixes. 

  • Magento Open Source 2.2.7 

The improvements in the core code fixes and product security on November 28, 2018. 

5. Magento Open Source 2.3.x

  • Magento Open Source 2.3.0

This Magento version came on November 28, 2018, with some functional fixes.  

  • Magento Open Source 2.2.8 

This version of Magento was introduced on March 26, 2019, with some critical code core and product security improvements.

  • Magento Open Source 2.3.1

On March 26, 2019, this included some functional fixes in the core product. There were around 500 pull requests contributed by the community and security enhancements. 

  • Magento Open Source 2.3.2

This Magento version came into action on June 25, 2019, with some functional fixes. It had 350 pull requests contributed by the community and over 75 security enhancements. 

  • Magento Open Source 2.3.3

On October 8, 2019, this Magento version handled more than 75 security enhancements. There were over 200 contributions from the members. 

  • Magento Open Source 2.3.4 

With this update on January 28, 2020, they introduced functional fixes for the core products. More than 30 security enhancements. Also, they resolved over 275 contributions in the community. 

  • Magento Open Source 2.3.5

April 28, 2020, is known to be the latest Magento version with some functional fixes and security enhancements. It also managed 46 GitHub issues from the community. 

What are the Famous Magneto Products? 

You always get an option to hire Magento developers to cover standard features and functions for your store. It has the right resources for small-scale to large-scale businesses. Some options that Magento provide are:

1. Magento Open Source 

This is a free of cost e-commerce solution, perfect for small merchants. This is a user-friendly and flexible platform with some advanced features. 

2. Magento Commerce 

This is the premium edition with an all-in-one solution to enhance your store performance. It has rich enterprise experience, scalable and secure infrastructure, robust data capabilities, and extensible functionalities. 

3. Magento Commerce Cloud 

This will open the era of modern cloud infrastructure for an e-commerce store. Online store owners get the opportunity to match the recent trends and provide customer satisfaction. 

4. Magento Order Management 

This builds a bridge between in-store technology and the online platform. Magento OMS handles features like order management, global inventory management, customer service, and Omnichannel fulfillment.   

5. Magento Business Intelligence 

Data plays a vital role in growing in the industry. This provides methods to control, manage, and access the data effortlessly. Magento Business Intelligence is an instant solution to synchronize data and empower the database of your e-commerce store. 


With millions of merchants on board, Magento versions ensure to stay ahead with the latest trends and demands. Magento version history would let you know the transformation and evolution of its services throughout the journey. It would be best if you never stayed behind when updating your platform with the latest versions. Reach us out! We have experienced eCommerce developers on board to manage your requirements and meet expectations.

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