January 10, 2024

2024 Social Media Safari: Mapping Out Strategies and Trends

Social Media

The number of social media users is expected to rise to about 5.85 billion by 2027. However, the world of social media is continuously evolving and that too at a rapid pace. So, any social media strategies that may have worked for you tomorrow may not be that effective today or in the future. Now that we have just entered 2024, it becomes imperative for you to stay ahead of the curve. 

Social media is a critical component of digital marketing; getting yourself well-conversed with the latest strategies and trends is necessary to ensure your success. In this detailed blog post, we will discuss the most important social media strategies and trends that can help make the most out of this powerful platform. So, before you choose social media services Australia, make sure to read this guide from the start to the end to get a better idea of this: 

What are the Key Social Media Strategies to Consider in 2024?

Key Social Media Strategies to Consider in 2024

The tastes and interests of people are most likely to change frequently, and so are the types of social content, trends, and preferred formats. Below are some of the most important social media strategies that you should be well-informed about before opting for the assistance of a professional social media agency Australia. 

They are inclined towards providing the best social media marketing services, which facilitates the evolution of your content for optimal engagement. Now, let’s dig in: 

  • Reformulate Your Approach to Social Commerce for Enhanced Effectiveness

By 2025, social shopping is expected to reach a staggering $1.2 trillion. Due to this reason, different platforms like TikTok are actively investing in this particular approach, which is evident from the rolling out of the TikTok Shop in the US. Social commerce is considered to be a great way to make direct sales through social media. So, in this regard, it becomes essential for you to craft a distinctive perspective that is supported by data to guide you in effective decision-making on where your customers prefer making purchases. 

Based on that, you can optimise your social commerce tools, especially on those platforms where your customers are eager to engage. A recognised agency offering social media services Australia can help you with the process in which you can carry out the optimisation process. Whether you are establishing a store directly on your platforms or incorporating product links into posts, optimising your social channels for social commerce becomes integral. With this, you can directly connect your customers and products. You can get in touch with professional social media marketing services for related assistance. 

  • Prioritise Responsiveness and Personalization in Your Interactions

It is evident from “The 2023 Sprout Social Index™” that 76 percent of consumers are most likely to value how promptly a brand can respond to their needs. However, the quality of your responses also matters. About 70 percent of customers expect a personalised response from a company. 

So, you should essentially focus on equipping your team with all the necessary tools for effectively shortening the response times of your brand. Not only that, but these also facilitate the creation of more quality responses. Here are mentioned a few ways in which you can start:

  • Make sure to audit your current response time average. There are many available tools that can help in promptly calculating your performance by percentage and response rate. For more information, all you need is to contact a reliable social media agency Australia
  • Focus on implementing tools such as customer service chatbots to ensure 24/7 chat coverage for handling low-lift queries. It frees up your team for more complicated tasks. If you are struggling with implementation, you can approach an agency known for providing cutting-edge social media marketing services. 
  • Encourage your team to engage with positive comments, which helps build brand loyalty, not just addressing complaints or questions.
  • Fine-tune and Optimise Existing Platform Strategies for Improved Results

New platforms will continue to emerge this year. So, it becomes crucial to experiment with new platforms. It is also equally important to focus on optimising content and the approaches you adopt on the specific platforms you leverage and those frequently used by your audiences. Many agencies offering the best SEO service in Australia can provide you with the necessary assistance. 

Below are discussed some of the crucial tips that you need to follow:

  • Determine the Optimal Publishing Times: One of the best ways to achieve more engagement involves optimising your publishing times. To find the best times, all that you need is to sort your posts by your desired metric, like impressions, likes, or engagement rate. It will help you get a better idea of what your current best times are to post. For any help, you can get in touch with a recognised social media marketing company. 
  • Maintain Regular Posting: Consistency is the key if you want to increase the engagement rate of your social media posts. 74 percent of customers believe that the optimal posting frequency for brands should be one to two posts per day. To know about this, you can approach a professional social media agency Australia
  • Automate Processes Where Possible, Adding a Human Touch for Enhanced Engagement

Currently, there is a rising demand for personalised and frequent responses, which tends to put extra pressure on your already busy teams. It is where the role of automation and AI comes into play. For instance, in 2024, 54 percent of marketers intend to leverage customer self-service tools and resources for streamlining social customer care. It includes FAQs, chatbots, etc. 

They are also expected to use AI tools such as ChatGPT for generating real-time responses to customer queries and FAQs. However, you should always make sure to consistently edit and humanise these automated responses. It will ensure that they align with your brand voice and do not lose the trust of your customers.

Top Social Media Trends for 2024

Social Media Trends 2024

Now, it is time to discuss some of the latest social media trends to watch for in 2024. You should be well aware of these particular trends before choosing professional social media services Australia. So, let’s find out: 

  • The Comeback of Long-Form Content

For the past three years, short-form content featuring trending audio has been a crucial strategy for achieving growth on popular platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. However in 2024, relying solely on trending audio may not be sufficient as a comprehensive channel strategy. So, if you, as a business owner, want to stand out in the crowded digital world, it becomes crucial for you to adopt longer and more original content. 

If you are finding any sort of difficulties, you can reach out to a trusted social media agency Australia offering best-in-class social media marketing services. Video content is also shifting beyond the typical 15 or 30-second length. In this aspect, YouTube is a dominant player, especially among the younger generation. Instagram and TikTok are also expected to encourage users to produce longer videos.

  • Influencers Incorporating Product Placement Strategies

Another emerging social media trend for 2024 is influencers adopting product placement strategies. You may have come across a video of your favourite influencer applying lipstick while they talk about everything, but not the lipstick. Now, if you want to know further details about the lipstick, you will have to jump to the comment section to learn about its brand. It’s the power of product placement. So, it is regarded as a great way to highlight a particular product in front of people.

By adopting this strategy, you can capture the interest of audiences in an intelligent way and make them interested towards making a purchase. To learn more about this, you can reach out to a social media marketing company offering reliable SEO service in Australia

  • Keyword Search and SEO Taking Central Roles

Do you know that about half of Generation Z currently leverage Instagram and TikTok for search? It means that if you want to boost the discoverability of your content, it is high time to optimise your post with the right keywords, which is possible when you choose professional social media services in Australia. The shift that people have currently made from Google to different social media platforms indicates the evolving nature of online information searches. 

At present, users look for more exploratory experiences with personal experiences and curated takes. So, while developing your social media strategy for 2024, all that you need is to compile a list of keywords you want to rank for. Also, you should make sure to regularly craft social content centered on them. If you need any related aid, you can opt for social media marketing services typically offered by a reputed social media agency Australia. 

  • Increase in AI Integrations across Platforms

Although AI has not been fully embraced, more brands are predicted to adopt this trend. It can incorporate the creation of AI-inspired tools and filters, adopting AI into the software, etc. Currently, AI is also potent to generate social media captions in a matter of seconds, which you can leverage to post content more frequently, thereby increasing audience engagement. 

A reliable social media agency Australia can offer you related assistance. However, it is essential to note that AI cannot replace originality; in this case, legitimate concerns can arise related to plagiarism and the rise of AI influencers. There will be more conversations related to this in 2024.

  • Instagram’s Heightened Focus on Gen Z Audiences

As per Statista, the usage of Instagram has considerably increased not only among Millennials but also among the Gen Z demographics. Due to this reason, it would not be wrong to say that this platform is targeting this specific audience. The heightened usage of Instagram may also point towards positive signs for Instagram Threads.

With continuous evolution happening in social media, it becomes crucial to stay abreast of content and usage trends. For more details, you should make sure to reach out to a trusted social media marketing company. It will help you to achieve greater success while experimenting with new strategies. Influencers and brands who always focus on experimenting are most likely to thrive.

Final Thoughts

As we step into 2024, the world of social media unfolds limitless possibilities. By adopting the most effective strategies and staying current on the latest trends we have discussed in the above section, you can easily navigate the complicated landscape of social media marketing. Not only that, but it sets your business for success. 

Thus, you can forge deeper connections with your audience by implementing these particular strategies and insights. It also helps boost engagement levels and aids you successfully achieve your unique marketing objectives. So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the future of social media marketing today by choosing best-in-class social media services Australia and watch your business reach greater heights.

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