April 30, 2020

5 Pro Tips To Own The Social Media Platform

Social Media

Social media is a vast platform with a rising number of active users daily. More and more entrepreneurs are targeting social media channels to leverage the benefits of addressing a large number of users. 

According to the Statista report, a survey held in the first quarter of 2019 shows that Facebook was the most used social media platform in Australia, accounting to 71% of the respondents. 

For March 2020, data compiled by reflects that 60% of the population of Australia are active Facebook users. Whatsapp has nearly 6 million users, and LinkedIn reports to have 10 million+ registered users. These stats simply reveal that social media has become a part of the daily lives of people. 

With the evolution of social media platforms, they have become a profitable arena for business houses. If you are a business owner, you must draft a social media strategy to connect with the users and strengthen your brand image.

Now the question –

How will you target social media to reap the maximum benefit?

In this article, we will discuss some important social media optimization tips for your business’s social media channels. 

Read further to know more!

Outline Your Goals And Objectives

You must clearly jot down your goals and objectives before crafting the social media strategy. 

Set attainable goals and break them down into smaller steps. Use numbers and set a deadline. For example, you want to reach 5000 Instagram followers within three weeks. 

Use The SMART Goal Framework

SMART stands for – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

•  Specific

Set particular goals. If your goal is to build brand awareness, take care of the key metrics related to brand awareness. The metrics include brand mentions, shares, post reach, impressions, etc.

•  Measurable

If your goal is to generate leads, there must be some metric to measure that. Without measuring, you won’t be able to know where your business is standing. For lead generation, the metric can be conversion rates. 

•  Attainable

Set challenging but practical goals. Analyze your resources and see if you can go that extra mile to achieve the goals.

•  Relevant

Your goals must be in line with the entire business marketing strategy and harmonize well with your brand image. Make your business more sustainable by attaining relevant goals.

•  Timely

Set your deadline like by the end of six months or one year. By including a timeframe, you know when to check on how your business is performing. 

After outlining your goals, it is time you craft the perfectly optimized social media strategy. Choose a right platform that will help you drive valuable results for your campaigns. 

Run Social Media Contest



You can increase user engagement in your social channels to a great extent by running social media contests. But before that, optimize your social media profiles with a profile photo, username, and bio.

There are already social media contest tools to create giveaways and sweepstakes that promote your business in a short period of time. Some of the popular tools are Vyper, Wishpond, Shortstack, Gleam, and Rafflecopter. Don’t forget to put the relevant hashtags to the contest posts. Using hashtags is a primary social media optimization technique.

After the contest is over, many tools allow downloading the details of the contest participants like age, gender, and interests. You can use this data to create targeted emails for the leads. Thus, hosting a contest is a great way to enhance brand awareness by increasing social media followers and take a step forward in generating more leads. 

Social Media Content Is Everything

Social Media Content


Social media is a highly impactful platform, and it is sensitive too. People express their thoughts and views here. So, just don’t post for the sake of it. 

Remember, all of your posts carry a lot of significance. So, be sure that you are putting the right posts that are productive for the business as well as turn out to be really engaging.

Conduct keyword research to know what your audience is looking for about your industry. Include the keywords in your content to optimize the social media strategy.

Moreover, you must know the purpose of each social network. For example, if you have highly visual content like images and short videos, Instagram is perfect. Facebook is good for news or entertainment content. Don’t forget to live stream on Facebook as it has become highly popular since its inception.

Implement The Latest Trends

Social Media Trends


Social media has made giant strides over time. Implementing market trends is not a choice but a must if you want to ace over your competitors. 

Here are some of the top trends –

• Story Ads on Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram
• Shoppable Posts on Instagram
• Live Streaming
• Augmented and Virtual Reality
• Influencer marketing

Well, after implementing, it is time you monitor and keep track of the social media profiles. This is a must-follow step in social media optimization. Else, you won’t know which platform or which campaign is performing better for the business.

Connect With Your Audience

Audience on Social media


Social media platforms give businesses the chance to build relationships with their audience. Connect with the users genuinely to gain their trust. 

Here are some of the ways you can adopt – 

• Find the right time to post
• Include video in the content
• Engage through direct messaging
• Create a Facebook group
• Engage with other Facebook groups with a similar target audience
• Never avoid any comment on the Facebook business page
• Ask your audience’s opinion by creating polls
• Show your audience how your team works by sharing behind-the-scenes • pictures and videos
• Try to have fun with the users by posting some funny memes, exciting videos, or inspirational quotes

Winding Up

Marketing on social media sites is not a child’s play. You need to be smart and tactical with your approaches. If you can plan your social media strategy the right way, you can actually generate leads from these sites. Moreover, marketing on social networks is cost-effective too. So, we recommend hiring a leading social media marketing agency in Sydney who will set up all your business profiles and optimally manage them to generate revenues and establish your brand in the market.

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