August 27, 2021

How Google Generate Web Page Titles – The Latest SEO Update


Google recently introduced Web Page titles updates in the market. It is continuously working on improving the platform to provide a better experience on the search engines. Title tags are the one thing that makes the first impression on the visitors. 

The readers might be genuine people and robots. Your audience needs to know what they can get after clicking on your link. At the same time, the robots or crawlers will prioritize your title based on multiple factors essential for the Latest SEO updates

What are the Title Tags?

A title tag is an HTML code tag that allows assigning a title to the web page. This is found in the browser’s title bar and the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). It is vital to add and optimize your title tags and make them SEO-friendly. It is a critical factor along with the URL, h1 tag, meta descriptions, links, and ALT attribute. They will appear on various sections, like:

  • Search Engine Results 
  • Social Media Posts 
  • Chat messages 
  • Browser tabs

Why did Google Introduce Web Page Titles update? 

  • Very Long Title: Many website owners use long page titles that do not fit Google’s rule. The recommended length of the title must be between 50 and 60 characters. If the websites exceed this limit, Google will use a title section, which will hinder user experience. 
  • Stuffed Title: Some titles have added a bunch of words to get high-ranking on search engines. The Google algorithm is continuously fighting to avoid such behaviour. 
  • Lack of Title Tags: On some websites, the tags might be repetitive or missing on the web pages. 

What are the crucial elements of title in the Latest SEO updates?

The Core Updates ensures that your title tags are relevant to the search engines and visitors. Some guidelines introduced are:


It should be between 50 and 60 characters. The risk is higher to get your title snipped on the search engines if you exceed this limit. Avoid using large titles, and be clear about the whole story with the limitations of character. All do not use all capital letters as they will take up more character space when compared to lowercase. 


This is more important for the latest SEO updates than the web page title. Your website title tags can do wonders if it is SEO-friendly and has the right keywords. Add the most trending and relevant keyword in the title, but do not overdo it. Google might report your website if you have a keyword website or assign lower ranks, affecting your online visibility. Generally, try to fit the keyword within the first five words of the title. 

Title and Branding

It is crucial to brand your business in the title if there is space left. This helps to increase your Click-Through-Rates and helps the users to know your brand name. The title is the most noticeable and prominent section of the SERPs, and adding the brand name can grab more attention. 

What are the Unknown Facts of the Web Page Titles Update?

Some findings of the Web Page Titles Update are:

  • Google made the change to the display of title tags on the sites. Here, the header tag has been replaced using a title tag. 
  • There has been a decline in the length of the title tags for both desktop and mobile. There might be a minimal change in the pixel limit change. 
  • The title tag has been made smaller on many websites to give a better view of your content. It has been taken away from the internal links, header tags, or image Alt text in some cases.
  • Google has also ensured that your brand name is visible in the title tag. It now prefers to use a hyphen for this. 
  • In some cases, you might have noticed that title tags have been rewritten for some web pages.  

What are common mistakes you must avoid in the Web Page Titles Update?

1. Not adding a title 

Many websites actually do not have any title and use a default title, “Untitled Document.” Search engines use the <title> tag to display the result in the search engines. Your web page title gives context to your content. 

2. It might be too long or short

This might be a massive issue when it comes to deciding the ranking of your website. Use the limit of 70 characters as your advantage. Add relevant keywords. Ensure that the visitors get complete information about the content from the title. 

3. Keyword Cannibalization 

Too many keywords can lead to the wrong tricks like keyword stuffing, which can affect your website reputation. Loading the keywords can improve your rankings, but do not add them forcefully, add only where it is relevant. It is vital that your web page is distinct and has unique content, the same is the case with Web Page Titles Update.  

4. Add Brand Name on web pages 

The 70 characters limitation might not be enough, but many SEO professionals will help fit your brand name into it. It would be great if you thought about what the visitors should see on the search engines. Many business owners add their brand name in the end, which can be lengthy. 

5. Duplicity is the Web Page titles 

This is a widespread mistake made by SEO professionals. The Latest SEO Update will make it difficult to copy any content from genuine websites and might lower your rankings on the search engines. So, ensure that your title is relevant, simple, effective, and unique. 

How to Create SEO-Friendly Web Page Titles?

Now that you are aware of the importance of page titles, you might want to know the reasons to choose SEO services for your website. We will tell you how to make your title best match with the Web Page Titles Update are:

  • Create Meaningful titles 

The title tag must be relevant and deliver a specific meaning to the visitors. It is a sentence that conveys to users the content on your webpage. Make sure it summarizes the goals, content, and objectives of your website. 

  • Don’t stuff too much in the title tag

The latest Web Page Titles Update has made it clear that you need to use keywords in the title tag that users will search on the search engines. It would help if you did not stuff too many keywords or make it only keywords to gain better rankings. It must be readable and convey meaning to the visitors.

  • Try keeping it within the character limits 

It is certainly not a bad thought to have a long title, but it might get snipped on the SERPs. Search engines only display 50 to 60 characters, which means you get that much space to convince the visitors. 

  • Have Unique Titles

Your website must not have two web pages with the same content. So ensure that your title tag is unique. Sometimes similar web page titles across multiple pages can result in getting flagged for duplicity. 

  • Use simple words 

Use easy-to-understand and remember words that can be spelled right away. Keep your title simple and straightforward. 

  • Use Single Language 

Do not mix your title tag with multiple languages. You need to write the title which your target audience will be searching for your content.  

  • Do not use all capital letters 

This looks bad and will not help to manage the latest SEO updates. Keep it regular and ensure to deliver your message to the visitors. 

  • Avoid Repetitions 

As per the SEO Services in Australia, your titles must be meaningful, useful, relevant, and reflect the page content. There must be a natural process to add perfect words to your title. 

  • Avoid adding stop words 

There should be a bare minimum usage of the stop words. Some of them are “but,” “then,” “while,” and more. 

  • Have a proper structure 

Add the essential keywords first and the rest to the later section of the title tag. Web Page Titles Update will give you better ranks if you have the proper structure and higher search volume.

  • Site Branding is okay but not necessary 

It is fine to add your brand in the website title tag, but that is totally optional. If you have space in the limited characters, then it might be great to add your brand name. Generally, popular websites prefer site branding in the title tags to stand out from the crowd. 

Analyse, Understand, and Decide!

It is essential to know how your platform is performing on the search engines. To handle the Web Page Titles Update, you need to understand user behaviour and if there is a scope of improvements.
Be it the web page titles update or the latest SEO update, and you will need support from an expert. Reach us now! We may have better strategies to optimize your web page titles and perform effective changes.

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