September 14, 2017

Increase Visibility of your Images in Google With New Google Badges


Done with doing SEO for the normal Google Search Engine Result Pages? Here comes the latest and most creative feature by Google that will help the site owners to let their images take a higher place in the Google image SERPs mainly for the mobile devices.

Google has come up with new badges for image search on mobile. This latest feature will not only help the store owners to gain the attention of the customers but also, the searchers would be able to get exactly what they are looking for.

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For an instance, if a person is looking for some particular product to buy, they can buy them from the image itself and look for the ‘Product’ tag in the bottom left corner of the image. The tag indicates the image leading to a product page. The recent badges from Google are some of GIF, Recipes, Products, Latest.

The site owners are given the authority to make sure that the relevant badges appear on the image of their product with the use of structured data markup.

Google’s this latest algorithm will detect the GIFs and assign the relevant badge. According to the image types, the badges are assigned automatically by the algorithm. There are recipe markup, product markup and video markup available for other image types.

The most important point to think of is these badges have no support on desktop search. These appear only in image search on mobile devices.

Connect to the expert SEO Services from Sydney to have a more detailed view.

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